- Phone: +964 770 588 3388
- Sat-Thu (8am - 6pm)
- info@JewarErbil.com
Jewar Erbil in association with its sister company in Baghdad (JEWAR Bureau) is recognized as one of the fastest growing Pharmaceutical Marketing Companies in Iraq and has built international partnerships that would open a wide range of opportunities through our associate arms in Iraq, Jordan, India and North America to attract high quality products. It has supported this growth by building up its portfolio according to the market needs in a fast and reliable supply.
trust, collaboration, team spirit and support are the motives of our team since we are business by people and for people.
we have a variety of working schedules & contracts that can fit with employees’ life and work balance.
a job in Jewar Erbil means a life full of challenges and evens through quarterly and yearly celebration and after each project success.
since we care about human interest, we invest in employees talents through a wide range of skillful, reward wining and professional training.
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